('Cause You Can't See Me, 39:00) She has some very cool music 10/03/25
Whiskey Club 'n' Whiskers
('Cause You Can't See Me) It really feels like something Bowie and Eno might have done immediately after the Berlin trilogy (...) one of the most immersive songs we’ve heard in this week’s listening. 25/02/25
The Alternative Music Hour on Banks Radio Banks Ep. 242
(Mad Vincent, 13:00) An awesome tune from SFSF. 02/25
HomeCooking Share Mag
('Cause You Can't See Me) Ici, un alien est inclassable. Plutôt que de chercher à inventer un terme pour décrire ces morceaux, on les envoie directement dans l'espace !. 17/02/25
Weapons of Mass Production Live Interview Ep. 29
(Guns, I'm Gonna Come To You In A Magic) That's some pretty cool music she made by herself. 13/01/25
Women & Wine Wednesday
OTAT Radio
(I'm Gonna Come To You In A Magic, 28:40) II love it, I just love the song, it's a favorite. 4/12/24
You Rock! Ep. 164
(What A Piece Of *, 4:29:05) ...taken on its own you would think that wouldn't work but somehow it does, and it's brilliant! (...) You can feel that anger and that rage, I love it. 5/12/24
Leenhorn Listens
(What A Piece Of *) ...certainly capture the complexities of navigating difficult emotions and the impact of toxic relationships... 1/12/24
Michael Born - Facebook
(A Phantom) In the context of gaslighting and perception games, this could be aimed at further increasing the feeling of insecurity.. 9/10/24
Ghost of Rucker - Indiescoveries
I focus on hooks and melodies to provide either catchy or haunting choruses to counterbalance the minimalism of the production. 28/09/24
You Rock! Ep. 153
(Personal Trainer - Synth Rock Version, 13:00) Another high quality track here, bringing those 80' new wave kind of vibes to the party. 19/09/24
HomeCooking Share Mag
(Personal Trainer - Synth Rock Version) Ici, un alien est inclassable. Plutôt que de chercher à inventer un terme pour décrire ces morceaux, on les envoie directement dans l'espace !. 9/09/24
vox + stix
(Your Lesson) ...the piano phrase in particular stuck in your head after you listen. 13/08/24
A2B by IAMU Lounge Mag
Some of us love indie music because it's pure and has different texture to it; known as being raw. August 2024
Women & Wine Wednesday
OTAT Radio
(17:23) SFSF is a solo artist that does everything (...) Enjoyed that so much - I think that's awesome. 31/07/24
Style Notes Magazine
(Manifest - EP) I must admit, it's always great to hear something different. 7/06/24
The Scarlett Tangerines
(Your Lesson) One of the unique as far as some of the songs that we've heard. 26/05/24
Protis Reviews
(I'm Gonna Come To You In A Magic) SFSF has definitely found her style and genre here, and she excels at what she sets out to do. 7/03/24
Creative Zakara
(Personal Trainer) This is weird, I like it! 30/09/23